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Articles by: Aire Toffer

Spaahotellid kingivad 100 spaapaketti COVID-19 eesliini meditsiinitöötajatele.

Eesti Spaaliitu kuuluvad ravi- ja heaoluspaad kingivad COVID-19 eesliini meditsiinitöötajatele 100 spaapaketti, et avaldada tänu neile tublidele meestele ja naistele kelle ennastsalgav töö eriolukorra tingimustes erilist tähelepanu väärib.

Paketid on välja pannud liidu liikmetest spaahotellid üle Eesti. Kingituse hulgas on nii majutusega paketid kui perepääsmed veekeskustesse. 1. juunil saavad 2 ja pool kuud kinniolnud spaahotellid uuesti avada oma veekeskused. Et on ka lastekaitsepäev, on see eriti sobilik kingitus just neile meditsiinitöötajatele kes sel perioodil pidid töö pärast pikalt oma lastest ja peredest eemal viibima.

5. juunil annab Eesti Spaaliidu juhatuse liige Jaan Ratnik spaapaketid sotsiaalministrile üle. Varasemal kahel aastal sarnaselt vabatahtlike päästjate peresid toetanud spaahotellid on sellise iga –aastase aktsiooni otsustanud traditsiooniks kujundada. Et ravispaad on ka ise litsenseeritud terviseteenuse osutajad, on meie lugupidamine ja tänu meditsiinitöötajate ees veel suurem.

Eesti Spaaliidu juhatuse liikme Jaan Ratniku sõnul oli kuni käesoleva kevadeni tervis ja tervena elamine olnud tavaelus meie jaoks iseenesest mõistetavad, kuid väärtustada oskasime seda tavaliselt alles siis kui tervis hakkas tõrkuma või lausa haiguseks pöördus. Samuti jääb  perega koosveedetud puhkus pahatihti tahaplaanile töö ja muude kohustustega võrreldes. Sel kevadel sai perega koosveedetud aeg inimestele täiesti uue tähenduse mida oskame edaspidi paremini väärtustada. Seetõttu ongi Spaaliidu kingitus märgilise tähendusega, kuna võimaldab ka neil kes olid sel perioodil töö tõttu lähedastest sunnitud eemal viibima nüüd terve perega puhata ja muretult aega veeta.​ Leidsime, et COVID-19 viirusega eesliinil töötanud meditsiinitöötajad, kes tegutsesid mitte topelt- vaid mitmekordse koormusega, on väikese puhkuse koos perega igati ära teeninud.



Don´t cancel. Modify!

Dear guests!

Most of our spa hotels are temporarily closed due to COVID-19 virus pandemic.
Detailed information is available at every spa hotel own web-sites.

For tourism sustainability we ask you not to cancel your trip, but cange the date and save tourism.

Our clients well-being is most important for us.

Stay safe!


Nordic walking in Kubija

21.-22.09 is taking place the 3rd World Wellness Weekend and you can be part of it!

Kubija Hotel & Nature Spa invates you to join us for this weekend, starting 22.09 at 13:00 o’clock at the Kubija reservoir.

We start with a little warm-up and then head for a walk/Nordic Walking – 3 km.

After Nordic walking a little refreshing water and herbal tea.

Three pairs of Kubija Hotel & Nature Spa towels, three pairs of Kubija Hotel & Nature Spa slippers and one Matis mini products kit will be raffled between all participants.

If possible we kindly ask you to bring your own walking sticks, if not, we also have a few of them.

The event is free!



Spunky gymnastics with noodles

Spunky gymnastics with noodles in the open air accompanied by music for wellness and exercise enthusiasts will take place on Sunday 22.09 at 13:00 at Viiking Spa in Pärnu. The instructor is Lemmi Vaher. A small souvenir for each participant. The event is free for all participants and will be filmed


Walk on the Värska Health Resort Centre’s health trail

Walk on the Värska Health Resort Centre’s health trail on Sunday 22.09.2019 at 13:00 – 14:00

The length of the trail in the resorts beach area is 1120 m. When passing the trail, the walker takes around 1470 steps to improve the health.

Along the health trail there are several information boards introducing interesting facts and stories about the Värska Health Resort Centre.

The trail is suitable and feasible for everybody.

The walk is for free and takes place in any weather.

Feel the joy of movement and have a great vacation on the sources of life!



Group workout on the roof!

V Spa is situated on the topmost floor of Kvartal shopping center. But for the World Wellness Weekend we’re going to take it one floor higher, and host a group workout on the roof! The spectacular view of Tartu awaits you and your friends.


Free outdoor gym workout

Tervis Medical Spa invites you to a free outdoor gym workout that is to take place at 13:00 on 22 September. A coach from Spa&Sport club will introduce you to exercises on different fitness machines.

Tervis Medical Spa outdoor gym offers 9 fitness machines for different muscle groups and a so called “power campus” – a set of bars and pipes for exercising. The outdoor gym is open all year round for anyone who wishes to exercise outdoors.


NB! In bad weather a sample workout will take place inside – in the Leisure Center gym of Tervis Medical Spa. The indoor gym requires that you use indoor footwear; washing facilities are also available.

Next to the Leisure Center of Tervis Medical Spa (on the Beach Park side).
Seedri 6, 80010 Pärnu


Free minigolf game at Toila Spa

Toila SPA Hotell is offering free minigolf game 22/09 13:00-14:00 as part of the World Wellness Weekend.

And from 09th til 30th September to the saunacentre Thermae a free entrance for children up to 14 years old



World Wellness Weekend September 22, 2019 in Estonia

It feels GREAT to be WELL!


Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 September 2019

Enjoy a FREE massage, yoga session, fitness coaching,

inspiring workshop… near you, with your loved one,

family or wellness Buddies.

2,000 venues open their doors in 100 countries!


Here can you find activities in Estonian Spas






Spaaliit messil Balttour 2016 Riias 5.-7.02.2016

Balttour 2016


Estonia. 200 years of spa culture

Browse spas by location

Select location
  • Haapsalu
  • Kuressaare
  • Narva-Jõesuu
  • Otepää
  • Pärnu
  • Suure-Jaani
  • Taagepera
  • Tallinn
  • Tartu
  • Toila
  • Värska
  • Võru
Select SPA
  • Fasting Center Loodus BIOSPA
  • Suure-Jaani Health and Water Center
  • Meri Spa Hotel
  • Johan Spa Hotel
  • Narva-Jõesuu Medical Spa
  • Aura Water Centre
  • Wagenkull Castle Spa
  • ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa
  • Viiking Spa Hotel
  • Värska Resort Therapy center
  • Toila Spa Hotel
  • Tervise Paradiis Spa Hotel & Water Park
  • Pühajärve Spa & Holiday Resort
  • Tervis Medical Spa Hotel
  • Kubija Hotel and Nature Spa
  • Kalev Spa Hotel & Water Park
  • Fra Mare Thalasso SPA
  • ESTONIA Medical Spa & Hotel

Estonian Spa Association

Reg. nr. 80002119
Sadama 9/11
90502 Haapsalu

Aire Toffer

+372 508 4020