
Medical spa treatmentsMedical tests

Medical tests

  • Allergy tests

    An allergy is an unusually strong reaction experienced by the immune system to a particular substance. The immune system normally plays a defensive role, neutralising bacteria, viruses and toxins. Substances to which the body has become hypersensitive are known as allergens. They may be foodstuffs, pollen, ordinary household dust, chemicals, animals, medicines or something entirely.
    Available in 1 spas
  • Blood analyses

    Blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels are determined by the express blood analyses method of drawing blood from the tip of the finger and results are known in just a few minutes. Analysis of blood taken from the vein provides wide possibilities for evaluation of various disease conditions.
    Available in 6 spas
  • Blood pressure monitoring

    Blood pressure monitoring around the clock is important for diagnosing hypertension. A cuff is wrapped around the upper arm and a small device is fastened to the waist of the patient for 24 hours, an automatic system measures blood pressure every half an hour during the day and every hour at night. A graphic result...
    Available in 3 spas
  • Bone density measurement

    The bone density measurement is a study, which allows detecting the early stages of osteoporosis in order to start treatment on time and avoid bone fractures. Bone density is measured from the fingertips using ultrasonic methods. This method is very accurate and gives a clear perception of bone mineralisation. Osteoporosis commonly starts from the vertebral column...
    Available in 3 spas
  • Doctor’s consultation

    A medical consultation by a doctor includes counselling according to need, blood pressure measuring, assessing the client’s health status and prescribing therapy packages. A medical consultation by a doctor is usually included in medical packages as a compulsory element. As for other packages, it can be chosen as optional therapy.
    Available in 10 spas
  • Doppler test

    A Doppler ultrasound test of blood vessels shows the penetrability of blood vessels, the speed of blood flow and the presence of thrombus in the blood vessels of limbs (both in arteries and veins) and the carotid artery.
    Available in 1 spas
  • ECG

    Electrocardiogram (ECG) – graphic projection of the heart muscle’s action. EKG’s are made upon the doctor’s prescription or the patient’s wish.
    Available in 4 spas
  • ECG exercise test

    It is quite often that a cardiac pathology does not show when the patient is recumbent. Cardiac disorders occur during a lighter or heavier physical load. In such occasions the ECG exercise test is of great help providing an increasing load on the veloergometer until the patient is tired or a cardiac disorder occurs. Several...
    Available in 2 spas
  • Echocardiography

    Examining the structure and function of the heart by ultrasound is one of the latest and most promising study methods in cardiology. Echocardiography enables to follow cardiac function directly on the monitor of the sonograph: study the structure of valves and assess their function, measure the thickness and strength of contractions of the myocardium as...
    Available in 1 spas
  • Endurance test

    The endurance test is an indication of your general physical level and the state of your health. Endurance testing primarily gathers information about your physical indicators (age, sex, height, weight, physical activity practices, existing chronic illnesses and use of medication).
    Available in 1 spas
  • Food intolerance test

    Hidden food intolerance is organism’s negative reaction to certain food products and their ingredients. The package includes test for 32 foodstuffs and consultation, suggestions.
    Available in 3 spas
  • Gastroscopy

    Gastroscopy is a procedure to examine the stomach and the large intestine. The express method to test the bacteria (Helicobacter pylori) in the mucous tissue of the stomach and the FOBT test (faecal occult blood test) are available. FOBT test helps to diagnose the early stage of cancer in the large intestine, the patient gets...
    Available in 1 spas
  • Health passport

    The Health Passport includes endurance test, general tests (cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides, body mass index, body fat percentage, lung capacity, flexibility and muscle performance) and consultation (print-out of test results and personal training guidelines). A further development is the Health Passport for Managers drawn up individually after endurance testing and other tests have been performed. The managers’...
    Available in 1 spas
  • Lung capacity test

    Lung capacity test reveals the amount of air you are able to breathe out after taking as deep a breath as possible.
    Available in 1 spas
  • Podometry

    Podometry or foot analysis is a procedure, which enables to determine the distribution of bodyweight on the soul of the foot. The examination is performed while the foot is placed on a carpet and allows determining the exact amount of pressure on each point of the foot. Wrong distribution of weight is an indication of the...
    Available in 2 spas
  • Psychological counselling

    Psychological counselling is a creative process-taking place in a trusting and non-judgemental environment in cooperation with the counsellor and the client where the reasons leading to the problematic situations are analysed. The possibilities for changing this situation are discussed and new ways of looking at things, solutions and future perspectives are tried and found. The...
    Available in 1 spas
  • Roentgen examination

    Roentgen examinations in cooperation with Pärnu Hospital (roentgenography of the neck part of vertebral column (2 films), roentgenography of thoracic or lumbal vertebrae (2 films), roentgenography of limbs, bones and joints (2 films), direct image of thorax (1 projection), side image of thorax (1 projection), image of maxilla.
    Available in 2 spas
  • Sleep tests

    Sleep disorders can be diagnosed and cured. An appointment with a sleep specialist and analysis of the sleep tests helps to assess your health and uncovers the real cause of the disorder and possible damage to your body and mind. Modern medicine can effectively cure various sleep disorders, thus lessening the risk of falling ill...
    Available in 1 spas
  • Sonogram

    Sonogram apparatus enables to examine internal organs, discover kidney and gallstones, study the structure of the liver and pancreas, prostatic hyperplasia, tumours of internal organs, etc.
    Available in 4 spas

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Estonian Spa Association

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Sadama 9/11
90502 Haapsalu

Aire Toffer

+372 508 4020